Help Ray save his friends and the city from the evil Dreaga.. Use the Ectomobile, a 1959 Miller Meteor Ambulance, to bust Dreaga and his minions. Bust the ghosts, Defeat the Bosses, Save the City…
Collect Ghost Trap Power-Ups to help you take down Dreaga.
Spiel Tags
1959, 1984, 59, adventure, ambulance, aykroyd, bill, bird, blower, boson, busters, cadillac, car, catch, Columbia, dan, destroy, dreaga, drive, driving, ecto, ecto 1, ecto1, ectomobile, egon, en, energy, ernie, eye, Game., Ghost, ghostbusters, gozer, harold, hearse, hudson, hurst, kinetic, lightbars, Manhattan, Mayhem, Meteor, meter, miller, monsters, movie, murray, New, Pack, peter, pictures, PKE, proton, psycho, ramis, ray, rescue, Shoot, shooting, siren, slime, slimer, slimewalker, supernatural, trap, vigo, winston, York