You came to his mysterious island, Shinland, inadvertently, so that bravely to take a look if this island have some hidden treasures or not. Of course, there is no so such easy thing in the world. This island is full of danger. You must overmind all dangers and find those treasures. Otherwise, Shinland will be your burial place. 无意间,你来到这座神秘之岛,决定勇闯一下,看看会不会隐藏了一些稀世珍宝。当然世上没有这么好混,这小岛存在住林林种种的危险,你需要排除万难,强化自己,才能找出那些稀世珍宝,而不是客死异乡。
You came to his mysterious island, Shinland, inadvertently, so that bravely to take a look if this island have some hidden treasures or not. Of course, there is no so such easy thing in the world. This island is full of danger. You must overmind all dangers and find those treasures. Otherwise, Shinland will be your burial place.
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gfromhk, Shinland,Crocodile,Action,闪耀,珍宝,鳄鱼,动作, zh-cn