w,a,s,d键控制方向,j键释放子弹,R键快速回营,坦克最大数量开始为6量,分数达到100000,最大数加1,以此类推……,难度会越来越大。(The key of w,a,s,d to control direction, j to release of the bullet, R key to quickly back to camp, the maximum number of tanks, the amount of the beginning of 6, scores of 100,000, the maximum number plus 1, and so on … …, the difficulty will increase) w,a,s,d键控制方向,j键释放子弹,R键快速回营,坦克最大数量开始为6量,分数达到100000,最大数加1,以此类推……,难度会越来越大。(The key of w,a,s,d to control direction, j to release of the bullet, R key to quickly back to camp, the maximum number of tanks, the amount of the beginning of 6, scores of 100,000, the maximum number plus 1, and so on … …, the difficulty will increase)
Spiel Tags
maqiu-contest-1st, tank war, zh-cn, 坦克, 坦克大战