Help Kikyu deafeat all monsters who took over south africa.
Kikyu used Banana weapons against the various foes.
She can land a banana peal, and ride it to hit enemies, also as leave the peals as trap for the enemies to come & hit by it.
For a close weapon, Kikyu uses her Banana Peal stick to poke the differerent foes also as verious other weapons which can be found in the game The game’s objective is to defeat all monsters on screen
Doing so is by a pressing shift for a primary weapon
Or Ctrl for laying a banana peal.
When you left out of Banana Peals, go to the next refilling tree marked with a red light bulb on it and press Ctrl to refill up to 5 more Bananas.
When area is clear out of monsters, find the door to progress to the next level
Spiel Tags
arcade, banana, capetown, girl, Job, kikyu, monkey, Monkeys, penguins, story