Welcome to dungeon faller! The game that combines fast paced platforming with the addicting nature of dungeon crawlers. By default the controls are up down left right, space to select menu items, and 7, 8, 9, and 0 can be used to activate items during gameplay. Please keep in mind this game is in it’s beta phase, and I therefore cannot attest to its perfect functioning, please be patient with any errors. Feel free to e-mail me about any bugs you found at thekrimsonkrusader@hotmail.com. Enjoy! Your hero will run without control, you may only alter his direction. The game is completed by simulating battles with on-screen monsters, to engage a monster simply allow your hero to run into it. The game will calculate your chance to hit based on the current level and your weapon level, if you win you will defeat the enemy, and lose a small amount of health. If you lose, you miss the enemy, and will still receive damage. You can buy a bow and arrow to hit distant opponents, however you will still take damage. You may purchase bombs to clear the screen of enemies, this will however deal 2 battles worth of damage to your hero. Use them wisely!
Up: Navigate up in menu, activate cape ability
Down: Navigate down in menu
Left: Change direction
Right: Change direction
Space: Select a menu option
Enter: Set a key binding
7: Alternate key for cape abilities
8: Fire an arrow (only if you have a bow)
9: Use the item in item slot 1
0: Use the item in item slot 2
These key mappings can be changed, and will be saved upon doing so. Please do not forget your new bindings!
Spiel Tags
crawler, dungeon, en, fall, falling, monsters, platform, Platformer, reverse platform, swords