Galactic 123 – The Admiral is an action/adventure anime/scifi game with a plot. This is the third episode in the Galactic 123 series. Captain Galwraith gets rescued, but its not all good news for him. How to play: Arrow keys / WASD keys to move. SPACEBAR (or Z) to fire weapons. Keys 1-3 to switch weapons. When in foot, you can also press H to heal and keys 4-7 to use any optional unlocked (if any) weapon. Arrow keys / WASD keys to move. SPACEBAR (or Z) to fire weapons. Keys 1-3 to switch weapons. When in foot, you can also press H to heal and keys 4-7 to use any optional unlocked (if any) weapon.
Spiel Tags
3, accion, action, adventure, anime, arcade, aventura, capitulo, combat, Cool, cuento, driving, en, episode, episodio, espacio, fiction, Fight, fighting, Game., gaming, gun, gunners, historia, juegos, keyboard, manga, novel, novela, personajes, Pilot, planet, plot, science, scifi, shooter, shooters, shooting, space, spaceship, starfighter, starship, tiros, upgrades, weapons