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Sail your ship up to the shore hitting minimum number of icebergs.
If the ship hits an iceberg life of the ship gets reduced by 10%.
If the ship’s health becomes 0 the game ends.
Controls: LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to move the ship in left and right directions. Space bar to fire cannons from the ship’s gun.
If the cannons from the ship’s gun hit the fighter the health of the ship increases by 10 %.
If the rockets from the fighter hit the ship the health of the ship gets reduced by 10%. Sail your ship up to the shore hitting minimum number of icebergs.
If the ship hits an iceberg life of the ship gets reduced by 10%.
If the ship’s health becomes 0 the game ends.
Controls: LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to move the ship in left and right directions. Space bar to fire cannons from the ship’s gun.
If the cannons from the ship’s gun hit the fighter the health of the ship increases by 10 %.
If the rockets from the fighter hit the ship the health of the ship gets reduced by 10%.

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