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Kingdom of Kroz

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A remake of a CLASSIC video game created by Scott Miller of Apogee games. Built as closely as possible, this game should bring back memories of the old school DOS games from the 90s.

Talon-Designs has implemented all features (including SECRET MODE) as well as a hidden „GOD“ mode for all of you to enjoy.

Packed with original dos based sounds, captured and converted to a suitable format, this game will more than satisfy your need for a classic adventure.

Objective: Gather Keys and other items (Teleports, whips, gems) to help you along the way to find the Magical Amulet. Hidden deep into the game.

25 Total levels of play. Game relies strictly on Keyboard play, and no Mouse movement.


The directional arrow pad and number pad control direction. Additional keystrokes for movement include the following:

U = Northwest Movement
I = Up Movement
O = Northeast Movement
J = West Movement
L = East Movement
N = Southwest Movement
M = South Movement
, (Comma) = Southeast Movement


W = Whip
T = Teleport
P = Pause
Q = Quit
V = Toggles Sound On/Off
+ = Item Messages On
– = Item Messages Off


By typing „X“ at the select game screen, you are entered into a „Secret Game“ mode. This will allow you to rebuild your items in hand during gameplay, by hitting „Shift + 0“ or to advance to the next level by hitting „Shift + 9“.

If at the select game screen, you hit „CTRL+Shift+~“ this will enable a „god“ type mode, that was not available in the original game. With this mode enabled, you can adjust the amount of items you have (whips, whip power, teleports, keys, gems) by simply hitting the numbers 1 through 5. (1 = Gems + 100, 2 = Whips + 100, 3 = Teleports + 100, 4 = Keys + 100, 5 = Whip Power + 1). You can also skip around levels, by hitting the numbers 8 to 0. (8 = Previous Level, 9 = Refresh Current Level, 0 = Next Level)

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