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Last Resistance

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For decades we have been looking for intelligent life on other planets. But then it found us first!

Thus began a bitter war between aliens and humans for power over resources, research units and the sheer survival of their civilization. It turned out that the invaders were more intelligent than hoped for and so they took after a short time the upper hand in the battle for the planet and its inhabitants.

Nevertheless, there is a small group of survivors who called themselves ‚Last Resistance‘ and they doesn’t given up. You are the vehicle commander of this group and responsible for the defense of the presumably last stand against the prevailing aliens. While there are a few brave people who are actively assist you in the defense, but secretly everyone is clear about one thing: This fight is hopeless!

Scouts have reported that several UFO’s have already set a course to the camp and they will arrive shortly. Stand up for a hard and bitter fight. He will grant no breaks, and only ends when the last defense collapses. Move your vehicle with your mouse.
Shoot with Left-Click.
Pause with ‚P‘ or ‚B‘
Quit with ‚Q‘ or ‚E‘ (Abort the round)
Press and hold ‚ctrl‘ or ‚Spacebar‘ to view the options.
Unlockable Contents:

You can unlock 3 simple Standard skins, 1 new vehicle and a new difficulty mode.
Look at the category ‚Unlock Progress‘ for more informations about it.
Hardcore mode:

You earn significantly more resources.
You suffer significantly more damage.
More enemies.

Collect resources for your High Score by shoot down the UFO’s.
You need Resources for your bullets otherwise it’s over.
Every round increased the number of UFO’s.
You get damage when a UFO attacked you and the vehicle conditions is going down. (0% = game over)
You have assistants and they can repair you, when you stand by them for 5 seconds.
If a UFO attacked your assistants, they lose morale and the Human Resistance is going down. You lost your assistans when the Human Resistance reached 0%.
You get bonus resources and morale when you make a 5x, 10x, 15x, 20x or 25x combo. So you can get new assistants, push the Human Resistance and make more resources for your High Score.

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