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The Halloween Game

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It’s Halloween and the Witch has decided to go outside to collect pumpkins to cook a delicious cake, but she will have to avoid many obstacles in her way! Let’s help her! MOVE THE WITCH

Use the keyboard to move the witch – left, right, up and down or W,A,S and D
Use the mouse to move the cursor and to rotate the Witch. The Witch will follow the cursor which is used as a target
Press the left mouse button to shoot to the arrows to the selected target – pumpkin, bat, ghost, demon, clock or thunder


During the game you will be able to look at elements which tell you the current Status of the game.
The lifes clip will tell you how many lives you have. At the beginning of the game you have 3 lifes. Each time an enemy hurts the Witch, a life is lost. If Witch is touched three times, the game is over. If you survived the level, you will recover the three lifes for the next level
The level clip will tell you in which game level you are currently playing
The score clip will tell you how many points you have earned while playing
The timer clip will tell how many seconds are left before it reaches the zero. A clip named timer_almost_over will be activated when there are only 10 seconds left.
This clip changes the size and color of the time left. Basically this will tell the Witch to hurry up before the time is gone. Finally, if the timer is zero, the game is over
The following_line is the distance between the miniwitch and the minipumpkin and it is shown at the bottom. If the miniWitch reaches the minipumpkin before the time is zero, then the Witch will play the next level or will win the game
The spacebar will tell you that you can use the thunder power by pressing the spacebar

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