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Journey is an interactive recombinant narrative artwork that is intended to feel like a surreal remix of a daydream. The user is taken through a “journey” within a series of still images; themed scenes comprised of particular interactive objects. These interactive objects provide contextual choices that navigate him or her to the next scene. Every time the user proceeds from one scene to another, he/she is given a line of text unique to their selection. This text builds upon itself – creating a poetic narrative as the user proceeds through his or her journey. When the user reaches the journey’s conclusion, he/she is presented with the final narrative – a body of text specific to his or her choices throughout the experience. In effect, the user leaves with a tangible artifact from his or her digital journey. Click on any object within the picture and you will be taken to another area. Click on another object and you will be transported again. Keep navigating through this world in this manner to build your own journey narrative. Your story will be completed whenever you click the „key“ image.

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