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Checkers in the sea

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You play checkers on the deep sea. You play with the seashells. Rules of the game of checkers classic. One player has dark pieces, and the other has light pieces. Pieces move diagonally and pieces of the opponent are captured by jumping over them.
Board. The board is an 8×8 grid, with alternating dark and light squares.
Traditionally, the colors of the pieces are black and white. There are two kinds of pieces: „men“ and „kings“. Kings are differentiated as consisting of two normal pieces of the same color, stacked one on top of the other.
Starting position. Each player starts with 12 pieces on the three rows closest to their own side. The row closest to each player is called the „crownhead“ or „kings row“. The white (lighter color) side moves first.
How to move. Simply sliding a piece diagonally forward to an adjacent and unoccupied dark square, or „jumping“ one of the opponent’s pieces. In this case, one piece would „jump over“ the other, provided there is a vacant square on the opposite side for it to land on. Jumping can be done forward. A piece that is jumped is captured and removed from the board.
How the game ends. A player wins by leaving the opposing player with no legal moves, i.e. by capturing or blocking all of the opposing player’s pieces.

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