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Find Out – Capital Cities Edition

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Try to guess the name of the capital cities and the corresponding countries. By clicking on a letter (lower part of the screen) that letter is chosen and, if present in the sentence, is added to the sentence (higher part of the screen): each correctly guessed consonant earns 7500 pts while choosing a vocal costs 25000 pts. A limited number of errors (initially 5) are given to the player and an extra error is gained when the sentence is cleared. If the player thinks the correct answer is known, the button “Solve” can be clicked: in “solve mode” the player must guess the correct letters (one by one) that form the sentence (the current letter to guess is indicated by a ? in the sentence). Each correctly guessed letter in “solve mode” (either vocal or consonant) earns 15000 pts. An error in “solve mode” results in the end of the game. Game is completely controlled by mouse. Press +/- to enable/disable sound. Press ESC to quit to the main menu.

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