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Puzzle Poker

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Puzzle Poker is a puzzle game that combines the classic “falling block” game mechanics with poker. The playfield is composed of 25 slots (5 rows for 5 columns) where the cards fall into. At any time the player has a four cards hand (displayed at the top of the playfield area) and can select the card to control among these. The objective of the game is to arrange the cards into poker hands of three, four or five cards (in rows or columns). When this happens these cards are cleared and an amount of points is added to the player score. When all the cards in the deck have been played a penalty is applied based on the number of cards left on the screen. The penalty for each card is initially 100 points but increases with increasing levels. When the player clears all the cards in a level the penalty is restored to 100 points. The game is over when a card overflows the playfield area or, after a level, the player score is lower than zero. After each level, if the player score is positive, the player has to option: save the score and quit or continue the game. Poker hand score:

– Straight : 3 cards 100 pts., 4 cards 500 pts., 5 cards 1000 pts.

– Flush : 3 cards 10 pts., 4 cards 100 pts., 5 cards 300 pts.

– Straight Flush : 3 cards 500 pts., 4 cards 2000 pts., 5 cards 6000 pts.

– Three of a kind : 300 pts.

– Four of a kind : 1000 pts.

Game controls:

Move the active card left and right with the arrow keys

Make the active card falls at maximum speed by pressing the down arrow key

Key Z cycles counter-clockwise the active card (from the current hand displayed at the top of playfield area)

Key X cycles clockwise the active card (from the current hand displayed at the top of playfield area)

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