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Wallstreet Wipeout

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Over 12 rounds players will be offered new investment opportunities on which to bid. The winner of each round will be the player who makes the LOWEST UNIQUE BID for that stock. Their winnings will be the sum of all bids placed.

At the end of the year, the person with the highest yearly earnings is the winner.

* Be careful of bidding $0 ,for although the rewards for this bid is high, the penalties for not being a unique bidder are just as high. Over 12 rounds players will be offered new investment opportunities on which to bid. The winner of each round will be the player who makes the LOWEST UNIQUE BID for that stock. Their winnings will be the sum of all bids placed.

At the end of the year, the person with the highest yearly earnings is the winner.

* Be careful of bidding $0 ,for although the rewards for this bid is high, the penalties for not being a unique bidder are just as high.

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