Perfection tends to make things boring, so we’ve whipped up an un-perfect scene game with an un-perfect description. (Not that the developers wanted to make a dressup game like others before, with today’s assumed specs.) Tons (200+) of clothing and props to create a scene. Use your imagination if you have one that isn’t decided for you. You can create guys and girls and up to 8 different bases all at once. Everything is drag, no themes, no story, no snapping in place, no smooth lines (we are in love with jagged bitmaps), and a nice whopping 2MBs worth of game that can leave between 1 minute to unlimited game length, if you are given the chance to play this game. click and drag
Spiel Tags
Bitmap, click and drag, clothing, couples, dreammaidens, dress up, dressup, en, fashion, Friends, furniture, girls, guys, monsters, Room, rugged, scene, ugly, unperfect