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10 Point Buck Slide Puzzle

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Hunting Games Online presents the 10 Point Buck Slide Puzzle, a 4×4 sliding block puzzle game that challenges you to rearrange the mixed tiles of a trophy buck so all the pieces are in their correct positions.

Free online hunting games, only at HuntingGamesOnline.biz How to play: The player is presented with 15 tiles and one empty space. Clicking on the tile closest to the empty space will move the tile into that space. Your objective is to move all the puzzle pieces into the correct positions to form the correct picture. Once all the tiles are in the correct order, you will progress to the next level.

Warning: As you progress, the difficulty of the game will increase significantly.

Hint: If you’re unsure where the tiled puzzles are meant to go, simply press the background button on the top left of the screen (next to restart) to be given a hint.

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