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Noughts and Crosses (Tic Tac Toe)

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Classic game of Noughts and Crosses (Tic Tac Toe) against the computer. Choose a game by clicking one of the buttons on the first screen. Play as O’s is where you are O’s and the Computer plays as X’s. Play as X’s is the opposite.

Once you have chosen a game then a frame will appear. When it says „Your Go“ click in one of the frames boxes and your chosen O or X will appear depending on what game you have chosen. The computer will automatically take its go next. To win a game you must get three in a row, either up and down, across or diagonally. Press „Next Game“ to move on to another game.

The Overall Score figure is the amount of games you have won more than the computer e.g. If you have won 5 and the computer has won 4 then your Overall Score is 1. This figure is used as your high score. When you want to see if your Overall Score is high enough to be in the high score table, click the High Score Table button. You will be asked your name if you have a high score.

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