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PicCross chapter1

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As picross is traditionally played, to solve a puzzle the player must mark a box in a window
of varying sizes to create the resulting picture.
The numbers on the top and left side of the window guide the correct boxes to mark
(for example, if the window is 10×10, and one of the numbers at the buttom is a „10“,
that means all ten boxes in the column below it are part of the solution to the puzzle.
If the numbers „5“ and „4“ are at the left of the window,
that means that all but one of the boxes in the row next to them are correct, with
five consecutive boxes, followed by four more consecutive boxes, separated by one space). for example, if the window is 10×10, and one of the numbers at the buttom is a „10“,
that means all ten boxes in the column below it are part of the solution to the puzzle.
If the numbers „5“ and „4“ are at the left of the window,
that means that all but one of the boxes in the row next to them are correct, with
five consecutive boxes, followed by four more consecutive boxes, separated by one space

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