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Tower to the Moon

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You are building a tower to the moon! Use your mouse to stack pieces in order to get closer to the moon, a curious and different stacking puzzle game for everyone.

If you finish the 11 levels you will be able to submit your highscore (measured in seconds spent in completing the game) and you will compare to others in the leaderboards. Use your mouse to click an drag objects you will obtain along the levels… the objective is to stack these objects to a certain level until you manage to reach a specific limit. You have also to keep the structure stable for at least 5 seconds before you can continue.

You can always reset levels if you lose some pieces or get stuck by pressing the RESET button.

If you finish the 11 levels you will be able to submit your highscore (measured in seconds spent in completing the game) and you will compare to others in the leaderboards.

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